Food Pantry will be closed Tuesday, Feb 18th due to the weather and the travel ban. 

“For I was hungry and you gave Me food.”

Matthew 25:35 NKJV

We are a food distribution center,
serving Orleans County every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00am until 12:00.


Saturday, December 7th, was the Future Farmers of America and Community Action giveaway. In the picture from left to right, you can see some of our volunteers: Sheila Tabor, Donna Poore, Mike Jaeger, and Dan Tabor. Thank you to all of our volunteers for all of their hard work.

Volunteer Leaders

Donna Poore - Food Pantry Director

You can reach Donna on Tuesday's and Thursday's from 9am -12pm on the church phone at (585) 798-3738.

Questions about the Food Pantry?

We would love to clarify your Food Pantry requirement questions.